selection of performance images
function properly
like this, like this or like this by jianan qu (2019) with marie hufnagel
excerpts from 'carpets' rui horta repertoire (2020)
like this, like this or like this by jianan qu (2019)
excerpts from 'carpets' rui horta repertoire (2020)
like this, like this or like this by jianan qu (2019)
rehearsal for performance at HochX (2022)
recording for music video with gizem kus (2022)
function properly at poetic islands, Int. Bühnenwerkstatt Graz (2021)
'Les arbres de la liberté' with Lawrence Ritchie, Raphael Preuschl (2023) | photo by Atila Vadoc
'Les arbres de la liberté' with Lawrence Ritchie, Raphael Preuschl (2023) | photo by Atila Vadoc
'Les arbres de la liberté' with Lawrence Ritchie, Raphael Preuschl (2023) | photo by Atila Vadoc
Schwebeleicht, Dschungel/Vienna (2022)
les voyages, karmeliterplatz graz with cie. XY (2021)
es voyages, karmeliterplatz graz with cie. XY (2021)
rooming by dominik leitner, Brucknerfestival Linz (2021) with marie hufnagel
rooming by dominik leitner, Brucknerfestival Linz (2021) with marie hufnagel
where if by evangelos poulinas (2020) with ola krzekotowska
excerpts from 'the line' rui horta repertoire (2018)
excerpts from 'the line' rui horta repertoire (2018)
excerpts from 'the line' rui horta repertoire (2018)
Die Insel der ungeliebten Spielsachen by Anna Martens (2021)
Die Insel der ungeliebten Spielsachen by Anna Martens (2021) with Alina Groder, Maureen Zollinger
where if by evangelos poulinas (2020)
cube studies, oper graz (2020) by circa contemporary circus (AUS)
excerpts from 'the line' rui horta repertoire (2018)
whelmed bodies, documentary film project UNSTOP (2021) with marie hufnagel